Why recycled and second hand stuff is cool

Why recycled and second hand stuff is cool

Being Thrifty Is Cool!

“Where did you get your boots from?” The snappily dressed lady asked.

“The North Devon Hospice shop in Barnstaple,” I reply. She tightened her smile and nodded her head several times.

“Cool, very cool,” she said, and strolled on.

I felt proud, smug and very cool. Trust me; I am not particularly cool according to my kids! The world has snubbed the single use plastic bag. Thanks to the cool people of Modbury. Do you feel a little ashamed when you realise you have left your coffee cup at home and the barista offers you a look of slight distain?

Many high end clothes retailers are establishing their own pre loved on line stores. Gen Z shoppers are pushing into the fore apps such as depop. Ebay, Pre loved and Gum Tree have been part of our lives for years. Millions more of us are embracing the trend of buying used or recycled items, simply because it is good for our planet and the right thing to do.

Gluing your wellies back together is cool and giving a neighbours’ unwanted bookshelf a home instead of chucking it away, is cool too. Show off your recycled and second hand treasures with pride. I am exceptionally proud that every micro tree I build is made from unwanted driftwood and a chainsaw file that is destined for the bin. My entire tool kit is second hand, with the exception of my drill. I have zero waste in my business. I wear patches on my jeans with pride!

Go on, I dare you to be cool and support small sustainable and environmentally friendly businesses that promote and sell second hand and up cycled items. Stop and think before your buy something new and ponder before you chuck something out. Go on, be cool!