The Marwood Creations Way...
I aim to offer you a tree that you won’t ever throw away. A Marwood Creations Tree is sustainably made by hand and is a natural product. When Bob the builder tried to teach us; reduce, reuse, recycle he was right and that is what I truly believe in. We know we all need to buy less and use what we already have. Based in North Devon I work out of my converted stable and make use of the resources around me. I trade with friends and neighbours, offering eggs to Jeff whose woodland provides me with fallen trees and branches from which I make my bases.
I use Dr. James’s bandsaw in exchange for on tap engineering advice. When trees fall on Farmer Richards land, we clear them up, fill up his wood shed and take the rest for tree bases and fuel to heat our home and stop for a beer in the process! Whilst I pick up driftwood I fill up rucksacks of plastic from the beaches which I recycle, in some cases use or dispose of properly. I have a wonderful orange welly in my greenhouse full of parsley! I guess there is a one wellied fisherman somewhere out there! The rod of every micro tree I make is a used and unwanted chainsaw file destined for the bin.
I would love to see the back of artificial Christmas trees, the intensive manufacturing process that creates them, their short lifespan in our houses followed by hundreds of years in landfill when we have thrown them out. In January every year I order and plant in my paddock a native sapling for every 5 and 6 foot tree I have sold from the previous year.